Life After a Pandemic

Or the importance of preserving ancestral practices

More than ever with the surge of COVID-19 and the mandatory quarantines and food shortages we are currently living; it becomes more clear to me the importance of preserving ancestral practices. What does this mean? Humans have become disconnected with nature, triggering not only diseases like COVID-19 but also not being able to fight apocalyptic times like this. Yes, there are some places in the world right now that pretty much resemble this chapter of the Bible; so I am not exaggerating with that one.

In this article I want to mention a few things that we need to try our hardest to get back to. No matter what we do for a living or prefer; these are important things every human being should know how to do. Additionally, it is important that if we are not able to practice these principles we must become activists in protecting people who do, hence the importance of preserving ancestral practices. A few things that come to mind as follows:

Farming/Gardening in a Sustainable way


Even if it is from potting from your apartment, an orchard in your backyard. The actual action of caring and growing something provides destressing capabilities, connection with your food among other physical & mental benefits.

Sustainability is a keyword from the ethical and health perspective since it is proven that chemicals in this area are a source of cancer & sacrificing livestock that you have raised yourself contributes towards reducing the waste of mass consumption and pollution that industrial livestock causes.

Hunting/butchering/animal sacrifice


This might seem something cruel especially in times of divide about our relationship with food. However it is deep in our core as species to be hunters and gatherers. A practice, I have not come around myself, but listening to people who have more experience in this practice provides you a better relationship for the animal who has lost its life to nourish yours. It diminishes waste as in this way less animals will perish due to a nose to tail diet and would likely reduce massive industrial livestock handling.

Allowing cultures to maintain their heritage

Inti Raymi celebrations in Ecuador- photo credit: Fabian Amaru Muenala

Inti Raymi celebrations in Ecuador- photo credit: Fabian Amaru Muenala

Humanity became more obsessed with standardization development & progress in the 20th century specifically with the industrial revolution & globalization. Many cultures in the world, especially indigenous ones, became at risk because of these philosophies. Why? Because one of the main objectives is unlimited development of profits. This has of course created economic disparities & challenges in our world like climate change and this pandemic.

Indigenous cultures have a close connection with nature. They know human are part of the natural cycle and do not own it. Maintaining indigenous heritage simply helps us reconnect with our role & relationship with nature.

It is more important now to document these ancient knowledge and spread it amongst the world to bring back awareness towards these wise principles.



Camping is one of the best experiences to ground yourself and connect with nature. It makes you practice the basics of starting a fire, maintaining your self warm, cooking your own meal. Reducing waste and the things you own; because less is always more in camping. And just keeping yourself entertained with other things than wifi, tv. Connect in real life, read a book, play cards or a good board game. Start little in order to transition and get comfortable living among the natural elements.

Learning about animals


Learning about animals from google and books perhaps might be the closest idea here but absolutely not what I mean. What I mean is getting closer to animals by going for a hike, walk, or visiting sanctuaries to learn IRL ( In Real Life) about birds, insects, mammals and any type of animal. There can be up to 40 different types of species of birds in some places like Ecuador. Don’t you think it is kind of amazing to be someone who is able to name what type of species surrounds when walking?

Shop directly from producer


I am a descendant of farmers and support the Weston A. Price Foundation principles which have a great initiative called “The 50/50 pledge” in which an individual promises to source 50% of their food from the producer in order to create a better relationship with your food, create a healthier environment for yourself and support local farmers & artisans of all types.

Cook your own food most of the time


Cooking is a primal instinct! Everyone must know how to cook. Getting comfortable with this action and prioritizing it by making time to cook and spend time with loved ones should be super normal! But it is now, in the best of cases, we all love to eat and eat out specifically but there are many benefits of eating at home and cooking with loved ones including a full wallet, better food quality and a healthier you!

Ancestral Practices for Women only:

Women Circles

women moon.jpg

Learn about women circles & how the phases of the moon influence the divine feminine. For more information and to join click here.

Ancestral Practices for Parents


Instill in your kids a sense of connection with all of the above, it is the best education they will ever receive and will remember these times as family forever.

The global situation is providing everyone with the opportunity of approaching things in a different way and value the things that really matter: love, family, health & our relationship with nature.